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What to Be Alert for Over the Holidays

Email Encrpytion

While phishing and other scams that target your data are increasingly common, the holiday season is always a time to be especially alert. 

Phishing and Other Social Engineering Attacks

Social engineering uses social skills and human interaction to gain access to a computer or network, or obtain data. The increasingly common scam involving people calling you and pretending they represent the IRS and you need to make a payment to avoid being arrested is a social engineering scam. It relies on human error rather than a weak spot in a computer system.

The new wave of attacks involve text messages containing links to webpages or contact information that can be clicked on, opening you up to malicious activity. There are steps you can take to prevent falling victim to a social engineering attack.

Shopping Online

Common scams with online shopping involve creating emails/websites which look like they’re from a reputable store and targeting insecure transactions. Ecommerce is predicted to account for $136 billion during the 2019 holiday season. With all those online purchases, there are a few best practices to use to protect your information.

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